Wet Area Waterproofing Membrane
KWICKFELT™SOLO iis a multi-layered, tough, elastic and
alkali resistant waterproong membrane. KWICKFELT™SOLO
is xed using thin-set adhesive for providing long lasting
waterproong in wet areas during different stages in building
construction and repairs.
Product Benefits

Superior Technology
Multiple layered combination of selected synthetic polymer membrane with high tear strength.

Tough, alkali resistant and anti-ageing properties for long life waterproong.

Water-impervious membrane and 100% waterproof.

Excellent Adhesion
High bond strength with thin-set adhesives and cement screeds.
Product Features
- Balcony
- Kitchen
- Bathrooms
- Sunken Slab
- Chajja (Concrete roof)
- Small Terraces

KWICKFELT™SOLO is available in blue colour rolls of
1.2 mtr (Width) x 15 mtr (Length)